Lochnagar post thaw.
24th January 2024
A very windy walk to Lochnagar today. The water levels were high, a bit of a walk around the ford was required to stay dry. Several gust over 100 mph were recorded last night and during the morning. Winds eased from around midday.
Dry and bright, until I got to the col, not much to see, until I left the col! Bad timing. My plan to see some avalanche debris was thwarted.
Cold overnight, some snow then another rise in the freezing level tomorrow afternoon.

Through the col to the main crag. Crossing the Col was a challenge this morning. The winds started easing around midday.

The main crag. A bit blacker than it has been recently but the corrie is hanging onto its snow quite well.
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Veronica Annand
25th January 2024 3:09 pm
Thank you, brought back so many memories of hiking/ rick climbing days in the Corrie.