Slow Thaw Commences

10th February 2023

The light dusting of new snow quickly disappeared as the freezing level rose above the summits. Isolated and shallow pockets of new snow had accumulated in wind sheltered locations above 950m, but these turned moist with the rise in temperature.

The slow thaw will continue tomorrow as the freezing level is set to remain above the summits.

Looking towards Ben Avon and Beinn A’Bhuird with the overnight dusting of fresh snow, which quickly disappeared as the freezing level rose above the summits.

Icy paths were a feature of today’s walk, with footpaths looking like this in many places above 900m.

The summit of Glas Maol, which gives a good overview of the features of todays outing. Icy paths, moist snow patches and isolated shallow deposits of new snow in wind sheltered locations. The deepest deposit of fresh snow found was, unsurprisingly, on the wind sheltered side of the summit cairn!

Overnight fresh snow deposits, quickly turning moist as the freezing level rose above the summits.

Patchy snow cover on The Cairnwell.

The North facing coire of Glas Maol.

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