Skiers Galore

17th December 2022

I don’t think that I have ever seen so many skiers out on the hills in mid-December before – 90% percent of hill goers seen today were on ski mountaineering equipment. Glenshee Ski Centre looked busy as well.

Travelling on foot is hard work at the moment with knee deep snow around and skis were the best option today. You definitely need to plan your descent route though as the snow is still baseless and the depth is highly variable.

Visibility was poor on the hills today, so it wasn’t possible to take any decent photos – However given that the freezing level is due to rise up to between 2000 and 2500 metres on Sunday evening going into Monday – conditions are going to change. Thankfully slightly cooler temperatures are forecast to return on Tuesday.

Skis were the most popular mode of travel today

Deepest snow has accumulated in wind sheltered locations on SE and S aspects.

Snow shoes definitely made walking in the soft knee deep snow a bit easier

Flat light and wintery conditions above 700m

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