Staying Stormy…

14th February 2020

Not as much snow fell today as expected so we weren’t blundering our way through a blizzard as feared. However the winds were very strong and we spent a lot of time going nowhere or getting blown backwards and sideways. Luckily it was steadily strong as opposed to gusty – which can result in getting blown over into rocks etc. I was very pleased today to be accompanied by one of the trainee forecasters who was over here to do an orientation day and it was great to have someone to talk through the conditions with and more importantly take photos of – having said that it was awful weather to be getting a camera out in!

We are in the middle of a freeze – melt – freeze – melt – freeze cycle.  Yep, try getting your head around that one. It might be easier to say that the weather is, and will be unsettled. Snow tomorrow on gale force winds, followed by a rising freezing level. The older snow that was thawing today will refreeze, becoming firm and icy, with fresh unstable deposits blowing in to higher wind sheltered locations. Probably worth having a good look at a weather forecast if you are keen on getting out tomorrow,  in order to work out how to get the best out of the day. Needless to say – Take care out there and stay safe.

Very strong winds, drifting and poor visibility – A proper welcome to The Southern Cairngorms for the SAIS Trainee.

Great to have a ‘Young Padawan’ with me today!


Comments on this post

  • Thanx for posting this, just let’s us no what is really going on there.sandra stewartbraemar.
    15th February 2020 1:10 pm

    Thanks for letting us no exactly what’s going on.

    • scairngormsadmin
      15th February 2020 2:22 pm

      Absolute pleasure – It’s what we are here for. Team Southern Cairngorms

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