Rinse and repeat….!
29th December 2019
More of the same today – warm and windy with low cloud. The snow was noticeably softer today with most hills only hanging on to small patches. The exception to the rule was the factory snow (ice pellets) at Glenshee Ski Centre – The white strip on the hillside stood out from all the green and brown…
The freezing level will gradually lower tomorrow, eventually reaching 900 metres during the night. Light rain or drizzle forecast throughout the period therefore it is likely to be another cloudy day.

The snow factory at Glenshee Ski Centre is holding its own against the thaw. The ice pellets are just that little bit more resilient than snow crystals

The NE corrie of Carn Aosda (917m). Fairly typical snow cover with strips of snow remaining around the corrie rims on N to E aspects.
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