
15th March 2019

It was a rather poor day on Lochnagar today.

It is definitely in full winter mode above 800 metres. Plenty of postholing to the col,  lots of snow blowing around and deep drifts in places.

Winds are due to ease tomorrow but it will be snowing for most of the day.

Gelder Shiel. A poor start to the day, low cloud and light snowfall.


There is no snow below 700 metres at the moment. However there will be some snowfall at all levels on Saturday.


A mountain hare in the snow at 800 metres. A good place given I saw an Eagle looking around earlier!


The path to Meikle Pap and Lochnagar.  Good snow cover with lots of postholing.


Most of the morning was quite wild. Strong winds, snow showers and lots of drifting snow.


There wasn’t a lot to see around the corrie of Lochnagar. This was a brief break in the cloud.


As usual…..some breaks in the cloud when you come down! Lochnagar crags looking white.


A slightly closer look into the corrie.



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