Great views!
25th February 2019
Due to the high cloud cover there was little sunshine but still great visibility over all the hills.
Headed up to Beinn Bhrotain today, brilliant for  views over The South Cairngorms. Tomorrow looks like it’ll be a sunnier day on the hill, hopefully with more great views. As you can probably guess there will be little change to the current conditions in this mild airflow but……there are some forecasts showing a return to cooler temps with snowfall this coming weekend. Let’s hope!

A cropped picture of Carn Cloich-mhuilinn slabs. Normally a regular full depth avalanche site in Winter but currently an excellent rock climbing venue!

Corrie an t-Sneachda (no, not that one you’re thinking of). This small corrie on Beinn Bhrotain can hold very deep snow and often makes a great ski descent…..or not, in current conditions!

Summit of Being Bhrotain. A wonderful place to appreciate the high and wild Cairngorms, snow or no snow.
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