Sunny conditions forecast…

23rd December 2018

A better day today with less cloud and lighter winds – still a bit cool on the summits though. The forecast tomorrow looks good with lighter winds and sunshine forecast. Forget the last minute shopping and grab a few hours in the sunshine…

The sub 950 metre hills really only have a light covering of snow above around 900 metres. It’s the higher summits (above 950m) that have the best cover as the photos below show. Generally this is fairly firm with just a thin softer layer on the surface but in steeper, sheltered locations there are deeper, softer deposits – literally around the corrie rims and gully tops – where you might suddenly find yourself sinking in a little deeper.

Deeper softer snow will be encountered around corrie rims and the tops of gullies – literally in the last metre or so.

Higher summits only have cover. Just a dusting at 930m and nothing much below that.

Looking across from Meall Odhar to The Cairnwell.

Variable cloud sometimes cleared to blue sky and sunshine.

Reasonable cover above 900 metres and across the Glas Maol Plateau to Carn an Tuirc.                                      Small old cornice debris in Coire Fionn

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