Chilly wind on Lochnagar

22nd December 2018

No precipitation today but a variable cloud base from around 950 metres meant that Lochnagar never completely cleared this morning. There was a cold Westerly providing quite a significant wind chill at altitude. There’s hard old snow on the path to Lochnagar which was easy to avoid – What is tricky to see is the thin verglas layer on a lot of the stones on the path – pretty slippy conditions underfoot at times.

No change in the conditions tomorrow with more of the same – winds might be slightly lighter though.

Conditions approaching the col at Lochnagar

The Cathedral and Sinister Buttress

Some ice left on the loch. Cloud hovering around the cliff tops.

Rimed summit of Cuidhe Crom

Long feathery rime ice on most hard surfaces above 900m.

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