Windy and drifting.

24th February 2015

Snow showers were due to ease, they did so by 9am leaving a very windy day but with a bit of sun and blue sky, bonus! Some significant redistribution and drifting going on. There is quite a lot of snow around in places, careful route choice would be advisable.

The Tiger at Glenshee Ski Centre. plenty drifting onto this face, it's fences buried.

The Tiger at Glenshee Ski Centre. plenty drifting onto this face, it’s fences buried.

Typical just now, ahead of the dogs, one side deep unstable snow, the other is snow free.

Typical just now, ahead of the dogs, one side deep unstable snow, the other is snow free.

This is snow from 2 days ago. Now on a slope exposed to the winds, it is now being eroded.

This is snow from 2 days ago. Now on a slope exposed to the changing winds, it is now being eroded.

Westerly aspects are mostly scoured and stable.

Westerly aspects are mostly scoured and stable.

The dogs enjoying the winter sun.

The dogs enjoying the winter sun.



Comments on this post

  • David Woods
    24th February 2015 9:04 pm

    Paul, cracking shots which illustrate just what we should be looking for in the observation phase of hazard evaluation. The second shot also has considerable artistic merit. Keep up, as ever, the brilliant work.

    • scairngormsadmin
      26th February 2015 5:15 pm

      Thanks Dave!

  • Tom Rupar
    25th February 2015 9:23 am

    Great photos, Paul. Methinks you have a new camera??

    Envious of the ‘canine traction’ you have!

    • scairngormsadmin
      26th February 2015 5:14 pm

      Hi Tom, a camera I’ve had for a couple of years, just making the effort to cart it about! Looks like you’ve had some uplift recently………and dinner to go with it!

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