Glas Maol Avalanche

26th March 2013

Ali and I went up to the Glas Maol avalanche to measure it up. It’s a kilometre wide at the wideest point.
I suspect there will be more avalanches to find as people travel back into the hills. If you see somthing of interest you can report it through the SAIS site.
Ali ski-ing through the debris.
Spot the Ali 

There were numerous blocks the size of cars.

Comments on this post

  • michael carroll
    13th February 2021 9:34 pm


    I was interested to see this. I see this avalanche was 8 years ago and memories may have faded… however it would be very useful to know grid refs for the location where this avalanche occurred. If, like me, you are new to winter hillwalking then forewarned is forearmed… Could there even be a re-occurrence in this location given the snow conditions we are experiencing in Perth & Kinross in Feb 2021 ?

  • scairngormsadmin
    16th February 2021 9:32 am

    Hi Michael. Yes this was a very large avalanche. We’ve had a couple of big ones recently although this face was intact pre thaw. Hopefully I’ll see the face soon. There will be recent avalanches caused by the thaw, the weather has been too poor to see anything but hopefully we’ll have some visibility soon.

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