Happy New Year

1st January 2013

Welcome to the first South Cairngorm blog of 2013. Hopefully we will have useful bits of advice and handy photos to share with you for the rest of the winter season. Unfortunately we are going to start off the year with a significant thaw. After snowfall tonight, temperatures are going to soar with an amazing (for January) temperature of plus 8 degrees centigrade forecast for 900 metres on Wednesday. (2800 metre freezing level!)

Today we found that the best snow is now above 900 metres with only patchy cover below this height. However large areas of firm, well bonded snow exist above 900 metres (at the moment). There are some windslab accumulations present and although they are limited in distribution they are locally significant. Drifted deposits on the lens unfortunately – but the photo below shows 40cm of windslab over a refrozen base.

Patchy cover below 900 metres – East aspect of Cairnwell

Better cover on the West face of Creag Leacach

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