Avalanche data

27th December 2012

Conditions were ideal for getting around today, by foot or ski. Firm snow with a little new stuff on top. But (yes another but) the weather forecast doesn’t look to kind on Friday, we shall have to see what’s left.  
I headed up the the ski area today to try take a photo of the avalanches that occurred recently. We had previously forecast a run of avalanche days and are keen to write up the results!
There are sizeable avalanches near the descent of Glas Maol, Corrie Fionn and the West Wall. There are also avalanches in the corries towards Cairn of Claise. I think the one below is one the biggest sites just now. The West Wall (or it’s proper name Glas Choire) is closely monitored by the Glenshee Ski Patrol. It’s one of the few places where you could be avalanched on a ski run. It was a wide avalanche, nearly 400 metres wide and covered West and North West aspects. It was full depth in places with a crown wall of 3 metres (on the right of the picture). 
In the picture you’ll see the Glas Maol ski lift and 2 skiers skinning up it to help give scale.

This is a much smaller site near the descent of Glas Maol, a walker helpfully stood on the remains  of the cornice to give scale. I had a video camera with me but sadly I won’t be getting anything from ‘You’ve been Framed’. 
Sizeable tips and blocks were a feature throughout the avalanche debris. 

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