
8th February 2009

The MRC of Scotland ‘Avalanche Search and Rescue Level 3’ was hosted by Braemar Mountain Rescue Team over the weekend. It was aimed at search managers and suitably experienced MR personnel. The weekend was headed by Safety Officer Stuart Johnston with lectures and practical sessions given by a doctor, dog handler, SAIS and experienced MR members. 
Pic: Avalanche!

Pic: Er, not really, a cast of thousands created the final scene. 
In fact this slope had sloughed in yesterdays storm.

Pic: search dog Midge found the live casualty in a minute, again making the point that it’s very important to get dogs into any avalanche burial.

Pic: This casualty was one of 3 to be found.

Pic: It looks like chaos, but a strong plan with techniques learned in the last 2 days, they found all the casualties efficiently.

Pic: The Glenalmond ferried equipment up for the preparation of the site. The White Mounth beckons in the background!

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