It’s the weekend!

23rd January 2009

Right we had no visibility today – I even had to get a map and compass out…oh and a GPS (just in case) . So sorry no nice photos for you – I can tell you that everything looked white – in fact all we could see was white…
There’s a real mixed bag of conditions out there at the moment. Firm icy snow, crusty snow, some softer drifts around… The distribution has improved from last weekend and with decent visibility and the right start point you could ski tour from your car at the moment – downhill could still be “interesting”. Climbing wise the snow has started to consolidate but we haven’t had a decent melt-freeze to really sort things out. The snowpack remains very layered and the surface is still coming away fairly easily in some locations. Get your hands in the snow – lots of mini-test pits – they are fast and give you a lot of feedback about what’s going on in the snow.
Looks like there might be a bit of snow coming on Sunday morning – (Forecasters stating low confidence about timings at present – but that will improve with more recent data.) So good luck to the Braemar Mountain Rescue Team out training on Sunday – I know you will just love having realistic conditions to work in!
Me? I’ve got a few days off – but I’ll be thinking of you all.

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