
2nd January 2007

Another pleasant day on the hill. Little new snow, some consolidation of the older stuff.
Lochnagar car park was full today, mostly folks out walking but there were a few climbers on in the corrie. Central Buttress was the route of choice with a couple of teams on the main route and other teams on the left side variant routes. Central Gully had someone traverse into it from the buttress. Forsaken Gully had steps into it and what looked like bum slide tracks out! Raeburns Gully had teams on it and Black Spout had someone making an ascent. There was some debris in the Corrie nothing really significant. All the boulders are out, bit tiresome getting to the bottom of routes.
The bottom of the Corrie temp was around +0.7. As mentioned in a previous post the ground under the snow is generally is not frozen. The track is very icy on the way up though.
This next period could be painful, we’re due for a bit of a thaw, hopefully some snow will survive. Another wet and windy day due tomorrow.
Top- Black Spout, climber in middle.
Cathedral area
Main Central Buttress, spot the climbers!
Bottom, Main Corrie.

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