Thaw 1 – Snow 0
16th February 2024
Another mild but generally dry and bright day in the Southern Cairngorms.
The initial cloud base was around 900 metres, gradually dispersing to give some hazy sunshine. The midday temperature on top of The Cairnwell 933 metres was 2.9°C, although it felt much warmer in the sunshine.
There has been further snow loss on all aspects overnight – compare the 2 photos of Sron na Gaoithe 814 metres, below. Todays photos shows how much snow has been lost in 24 hours.
There is still an impressive amount of ice on the cliffs of Coire Loch Kandar, but it is losing the battle between warm temperatures and gravity. Ice and rockfall will be a potential hazard for the next few days as the thaw continues.
No surprise, but yesterday’s ice fringe next to the burn had sadly vanished this morning!
Another mild day tomorrow with strengthening South-Easterly winds and some light, drizzly rain showers later.

Sron ne Gaoithe 814m. Compare todays photo with the same view heater, below. The snow loss is quite obvious!

Cornices remain unstable and prone to collapse, cracks in the steep scarp slopes above Coire Loch Kandar.

Despite the thaw and mild temperatures quite a bit of ice remains. Icefall is expected to become an ongoing hazard.
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