Just do it…

4th February 2024

Just do it – As a rather well known sportswear company tells us – It was one of those days where you just had to get on with it. Not a particularly inspiring day due to the conditions but that didn’t stop people using the available snow up at the Glenshee Ski Centre and surrounding hills. There were beginner lessons taking place on the slopes and basic winter skills being taught on the firm snow patches.

Looking around the hills, there is very little snow left below 900 metres especially on the South facing slopes. Above 900 metres on North to East facing aspects there is still a reasonable amount. We’re due to have a 24 hour thaw with some rain at all levels, but after that colder weather is dropping in from the North.

Tomorrow is one of those days when we’re very happy to be working over here in the South Cairngorms – Our colleagues over in the West may need to dig out their wetsuits and water wings as it looks set to be very wet over there – Just moderately wet over here! Still quite windy as well – so if your sock drawer still needs sorting out – maybe tomorrow is the day to do it.

Not blending in very well at the moment…

Summit of Glas Maol in the cloud

Patchy snow on Carn a’Gheoidh with a trace of fresh on the tops. Note the creep lines in the centre of the shot in Creag a’Choire Dhirich

South aspects below 900 metres holding very little snow

Winter skills lesson taking place on the firm(ish) snow patches

Beginners getting some runs in at Glenshee Ski Centre



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