
19th February 2018

As forecast, the freezing levels were well were above the summits………however there wasn’t any rain today so it was about as gentle a thaw as you can get. We’ve lost some snow but still have reasonably good cover.

Good news is its due to get cold tonight, we shouldn’t lose too much more and hopefully it will quickly refreeze.

I met up early on with Tayside Police today for a quick chat about conditions. As you can see there was some snow loss from the hills and the car park was pretty slushy. The team had a busy day planned, fortunately it wasn’t raining as forecast and the clouds lifted later on.


Rain had only penetrated as far as the obvious marked layer. Drier, colder snow under this. Snow was immediately thawing when exposed to the warmer air, around +2 at 1000 metres when I was out.


There was a bit of snow loss, mainly on areas that were only covered by thin snow. Otherwise there is still enough to ski tour and gullies remain full.


There have been some avalanches during the recent storm cycle. This avalanche was corrie wide. Mostly shallow slab with some bigger cornice blocks. If you come across any older debris its still worth sending info in.

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