Getting colder again…

12th January 2018

Well after enjoying beautiful conditions yesterday, it was back to normal today with poor visibility above 800 metres. There has been a definite diminishing of the snow cover with the snow line creeping up the hillsides and exposed locations breaking through.

At the moment the snow is soft and wet beneath 800 metres but that will change overnight as the freezing level lowers to 600 metres. Things should really start to firm up. No precipitation forecast for the next 24 hour period but the winds are going to start to pick up. It will feel quite cold with the air temperature and wind speed combined – wrap up well!

No views for mountain shots today!

Everything remains heavily rimed above 900m


Snow line creeping up the hillsides. Exposed locations (ridges for example) are breaking through


Lower summits like Morrone (859m) are holding more limited amounts of snow now.

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