A wild morning.
31st December 2017
It was a wild day on the hill this morning. Storm Dylan throwing a bit of snow and wind at us before it disappears off over the North Sea. Fortunately the clouds started to break and the winds eased around lunchtime. Snow cover is pretty good but still lacks depth although there are some deep drifts at all levels. A big difference today is the snow is not quite as dry and light, so hopefully it won’t blow away as easily!
Happy New Year to all, thanks for reading the reports and blogs, hope you all have a great night, see you in the New Year!

The middle valley at Glenshee Ski Area looking much improved. Still away to go before opening but a couple more storms will help!

It was pretty slippy on the A93 this morning.The winds were blowing snow from the hill over the road. When the cloud cleared there was quite a queue of stuck vehicles. Three ploughs arrived not long after I took this picture, I’m sure everyone will make their parties!
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