No winds today.

17th February 2016

Yesterdays winds, a brief thaw overnight and new snow  were going to change the snowpack so I decided to visit a few different aspects. Most new slab was shallow and was supported by a hard well frozen crust. The crust had more soft snow underneath it and will need watching depending on upcoming weather. Anything very sheltered was holding deeper unstable windslab.

Surface instability.

Surface instability.

Glenshee Ski Area have been monitoring weakly bonded windslab.

Glenshee Ski Area have been monitoring weakly bonded windslab.

Cornices had slumped but were re-freezing again. Some had collapsed, Corrie Fionn had new debris in it and an avalanche from Raeburns Gully, Lochnagar was reported at around 1pm today.

It wasn’t long after I took this picture thick cloud covered the area.

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