
3rd February 2016

Today was an opportunity to get a bit higher up the hill and take in some views! Strong winds eased slightly later in the morning.

Corrie starting to clear.

Corrie starting to clear.

Eagle Ridge to Raeburns Gully.

Eagle Ridge to Raeburns Gully.

The run of thaw – freeze cycles has been quite good for the climbing. Hopefully it will survive this next warm front.

Summit of Lochnagar today.

Summit of Lochnagar today.

Fairly wind scoured in many places- only the very tops of the gullies have deeper soft snow. Weaker layers are currently supported by harder, denser snow, this is likely to become an issue as these layers thaw.

Looking down the West Ridge.

Looking down the West Ridge.

It started to clear on descent. It wasn’t long ago you could have skied down to the left of this shot.

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