Cooler conditions to return.
10th April 2015
It’ll be difficult to get back into the swing of winter again. But Saturday will certainly feel cold compared to recent days. Gary and I had a wander around the ski area, interesting to compare the actual ground with the shape of slopes that they develop into during winter. Still deep areas around, well over 2 metres around the formal pit site today. Some creep lines noted above a NE aspect, not really a surprise given this weeks heat. Over 8 degrees o the hill today.
Been a great week for weather, back to Winter tomorrow?

The last few days has seen a significant reduction in the snow cover. However what is left will start to firm up over the next couple of days.
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roger clare
10th April 2015 8:32 pm
Hi Paul
Looks like we’re back to winter over the weekend but probably the end game? Shame I couldn’t manage to get a day on the hill with you but maybe next winter. Enjoyed your blog and appreciate the info and photos. Enjoy getting back to the world of colour!
Roger – Compass and Glenshee ski patrol
Gary Flynn
10th April 2015 8:45 pm
Many thanks Paul, for a great walk around my “back yard” with lots of discussion and food for thought, here’s to many more winters to come……tho’ I can’t promise they’ll all be spent in Scotland…He He!