Small full depth avalanche.

23rd March 2015

One of the deer stalkers had spotted an avalanche in the Corrie behind The Cairnwell so I headed up for a look. Turned out to be much smaller than than last weeks monster but always good to visit these sites. A small gully had slid out over dry ground dragging a lot of rock with it. It had already melted a fair bit, it probably happened at a similar time to the Glas Tulaichean avalanche.

A bright day with a few rain showers at times.

A bright day with a few rain showers at times.

Not much snow on this aspect but still enough to produce a small full depth avalanche.

Not much snow on this aspect but still enough to produce a small full depth avalanche.

Reasonable size blocks of snow had slid from a shallow wet gully under the crag.

Reasonable size blocks of snow had slid from a shallow wet gully under the crag. There were plenty of rocks in the debris.

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