Looking back.

31st December 2021

I’d been thinking about Hogmanay when out today, how good or how bad some have been? Great to see our colleagues in Lochaber had actually done their blog on years gone by. So a retro look at the last few years.

We’ve got the January storms to look forward to, starting tomorrow!

Landscape showing snow cover

31/12/21 Lochnagar and the main Cairngorms.


NY review

31/12/20 Glenshee looking snowy.


31/12/19 A great day but not much snow around this year.


NY review

31/12/18 Similar to 2021.


31/12/17. A white middle valley at Glenshee Ski Centre.


31/12/16 A dull and mild end to the year.


NY retro

31/12/15 Storm Frank. A storm that left its mark on the landscape. There was a lot of snow on the hill, within 48 hours it was completely gone.


31/12/14 A lovely day but there was little snow.


Hutchinson Hut 31/12/13 Snowy and rather wild.


31/12/12 We had some snow!



Comments on this post

  • roger clare
    31st December 2021 9:24 pm

    Very interesting to see Hogmanay conditions through the years so I guess we shouldn’t be too surprised with current conditions but let’s hope it gets better sooner rather than later! Appreciating the blog as usual and hope we bump into one another on the hill. All the best for 2022. Roger

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