Snow forecast…

12th January 2020

There’s been a light covering of fresh snow which has given the impression of winter conditions at least. The old snow is very firm and icy and the wet ground is starting to freeze up at higher elevations. There’s more snow in the forecast but not until mid-afternoon tomorrow. It will be accompanied by 60mph winds so an early start/early finish approach jumps to mind for tomorrow.

Atmospheric conditions on Glas Maol as the cloud blew in. BMRT putting the miles in. (Thanks to Kenny for the photo).

Compressed snow footprints. A classic sign of redistribution: The untrodden snow has blown away.

Distant views to Ben Avon

A trace of fresh snow on the East aspect of The Cairnwell.

Just a dusting on Carn an Tuirc

Big piles of factory snow waiting to be pisted at Glenshee Ski Centre

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