
20th January 2020

Beautiful blue sky and sunshine today but strong, very gusty winds at summit level. Combine that with icy conditions underfoot and you had to be super careful near the cliff edge. We were lucky being that bit further east as we didn’t get the very mild summit temperatures that the other areas had: Just into positive figures at 1100 metres on Lochnagar. However the thinner ice was just starting to melt further down the cliff. Snow conditions were firm in the gullies as they were in the shade but as soon as you top out, the snow was much softer in the sunlight. Milder conditions will remain for the next 48 hours at least so we are expecting a slow thaw.

Very little snow on the summit plateau. Cac Carn Beag (1155m).

Lochnagar cliffs from the base of the West Ridge

Eagle Ridge and the Parallel Buttress group

Looking out of Black Spout at the divide between the branches.

Ice breaking up on Lochnagar

Very well camouflaged

Early heather burning underway on land North of the River Dee.

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