Sunny Lochnagar
23rd March 2019
A rather different day on Lochnagar today with blue sky and sunshine. A cold, strong wind blowing over the top but it was very pleasant in the corrie and quite warm climbing up Black Spout. It’s been a good bit colder overnight and the snow was perfect – not too icy but firm enough for good tool/crampon placement in the shade  – a bit softer in the strong sunlight. The crags have been stripped right back but that didn’t stop a couple of pairs of climbers getting some routes in – making the most of the fantastic setting and the great weather! Looks like there will be some very light snowfall overnight and during the morning tomorrow, so I’m not expecting to get these kind of views again. The wind is due to get very strong in the afternoon so maybe an early start/early finish will work best…

Black Spout – the middle section of the gully is like a bumpy slide where heavy cornice blocks have gouged into the wet snow.
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