Lochnagar avalanches.

7th April 2018

There was plenty to look at on Lochnagar today. Overnight debris and various bits dropping off the crags, particularly as the sun came out. It was mild, even before the cloud cleared, around +3.5 at the base of the crags.

Theres a lot of cornices, expect more avalanches in this mild period, particularly in tonights rain.

Fortunately there were no climbers in today.

Avalanche debris at the crags today. This was all surface slab that failed on previously noted older graupel. I had taken a phot of the layer on yesterdays blog.


The biggest avalanche was around size 2. Crownwall was just under the rocks.


A separate avalanche on the left, again quite shallow just under the rocks.


Looking down to the Loch. Didn’t fancy skiing over it this morning!


A small slab avalanche running over some rocks. There was quite a bit falling down today after the sun came out. Mostly bits of cornice which in turn would rip out bits of slab.


Good sized cornices round the crags.


There had been little activity on the other side of the corrie, Parallel B had some small amounts down it, then later Gelder area as the sun got established on the face. Certainly plenty big cornices to come down.


I found a dead bat lying on top of the snow, I assume it was blown well of course in the winds. Earlier in the year a squirrel was spotted on the loch, amazing what is seen at times.


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