Bluebird Easter!
1st April 2018
A brilliant day, many tourers and walkers were out and of course Glenshee was quite busy, although there was only one short queue at the Glas Maol uplift. Seemed rude not to have a couple of runs! It also gave me an opportunity to look at the weak layers around the Glas Maol area. Still there but with some improvement.
Despite the sun it was actually still quite cold and there was a strong temperature gradient in the snowpack. More wintry weather on the way this week, definitely not a spring like snowpack!

The cornice of Glas Choire. This aspect is likely to receive more snow on Monday afternoon. There are many big cornices throughout the area that will be capable of triggering the slopes under them.

A split boarder making a descent of the Garbh Corrie, next to Glenshee Ski Area. As you can see by the tracks in the background there were quite a few people heading for this Corrie. There is a good choice of gradients and ascents/descents.
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