Lochnagar in the sun.
14th April 2018
It was a classic Spring day so thought I’d head up Lochnagar for the final day of the season. There is still plenty of snow, although it is steadily thawing.
This is the last blog of the 2017/18  season, thanks for all the support through the Winter. Special mention to – Braemar Mountain Rescue Team, Glenshee Ski Centre, Police Scotland, Aberdeen Mountain Rescue Team, Balmoral Estate, Mar Lodge Estate, Invercauld Estate,  and of course  Braemar Mountain Sports and their excellent cafe, The Bothy for supplying the coffee!
There will be a generic report that will be altered to suit weather and conditions on our main website. You can continue to report any significant avalanches through our website.
We’ll be back in December!

Walkers passing the cliffs, there are still cornices above some gullies. Despite the sun it was actually fairly cool in the wind.

Raeburns Gully, getting thinner with more stuff to come down yet. Many easier gullies are still complete but could do with a freeze for climbing.

Cornices are very wet, I tried to capture the water coming out of them. With more rain forecast it’s like some of these will fall.
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17th April 2018 1:11 pm
You got me… What are “Jenna blocks”?
(if anybody’s still there… :o)
17th April 2018 8:11 pm
Good spot, spellcheck at its finest!