Still windy.

30th January 2018

It was a fairly nice morning but still very windy. There wasn’t much difference to yesterday when I was out but by early afternoon there was much more cloud and it started snowing above 900 metres or so.

Gelder Shiel and Lochnagar. Still very much Winter above 800 metres despite a nice and fairly mild start to the day in the Glens.


Looking down on Gelder Shiel from the walk in – its still Winter…….right?


Plenty ice on the crags but water still runs free lower down. 


At the Saobhaidhe Corrie col. The Corrie is often referred to as the False or Hidden Corrie. Very windy around here, top right heavily scoured with firm snow-ice, on left deep firm snow with a few new soft deposits. Managed to get not far under the ridge before I saw sense!

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