Poor visibility above 900m.
13th February 2017
There was a noticeable loss of snow at lower levels as the summit temperature rose very slightly last night. There was also some consolidation of existing snow but as we have some very deep accumulations it will take a bit longer yet. All made for some very changeable conditions. If you haven’t looked  http://beaware.sais.gov.uk has lots of info on helping you travel safely. Walking is still very strenuous but then again skiing conditions on descent can be challenging!

Snow fences, buried in places, having done their job. Often fences can be a good indicator of snow amounts caught in steep sheltered locations.
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roger clare
13th February 2017 7:53 pm
The current conditions certainly make for some interesting touring. Lets hope there’s still enough for snowsports by the end of the week! Enjoying your reports.