Light winds and cloudy tops

17th March 2025

The cloud was shrouding the tops today which gave a wintry feel higher up, despite there being very limited snow cover.

Sunshine is forecast for tomorrow which will help consolidate and slowly deplete whatever snow is on the southerly facing aspects. Northerly facing snow patches expected to remain firm and icy.

(Above) Looking towards the Northerly mountains of the area from Glenshee ski area.

(Above) This snow patch was created 4 days ago has gone from unstable windslab to firm and stable.


(Above) Plateau area Glas Maol

(Above) Rime ice on the plateau from the recent Northerly winds.

(Above) Drifted snow on the right of picture and rime ice facing into the recent wind on the left.

(Above) Firm old snow.

(Above) Firm old snow patches on the Northerly aspects of Glas Maol.


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