No wind!

26th February 2016

Skis went on at 450 metres today (using a land rover track) – and stayed on all day. Very entertaining skiing low down, trying to pick a good line and using all the available snow holding features – always exciting crossing burns via snow bridges. Higher up there is some excellent snow – some of it is pretty firm but grippy and there is also some cold dry powder in the more sheltered features. Good visibility helps as you do need to plan your line but the forecast looks very promising for the weekend. Watch out though as there are some largish wind features out there – usually burn lines that have developed very steep walls – you wouldn’t want to fall over some of them! Have a great weekend….

Skis on at 450m. Stayed on all day!

Skis on at 450m (using a land rover track). Stayed on all day!

Distant view to blue sky over to the Cairngorms

Distant view to blue sky over in the Cairngorms

A snowy Stuic Buttress

A snowy Stuic Buttress

Coire Lochan nan Eun, some enjoyable skiing in the White Mounth area

Coire Lochan nan Eun

Looking across to Cac Carn Beag

Looking across to Cac Carn Beag

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