Glen Muick road

25th January 2013

It’s been snowing all day and we are starting to look very alpine at lower levels! It’s hard to say what the hills are like as all I’ve seen is the 20 metres around me! 
Roads, The Glen Muick road is shut, it was ‘open’ briefly yesterday but when the wind started blowing it quickly drifted in again. I would guess it’ll open later tomorrow.
Glenshee was open today, the challenge tomorrow on the roads will be coping with the drifting. It was shut this morning for a while because of the wind.
On that subject, there is a lot of cold dry snow lying around on the hill. The winds weren’t too strong today so we could see a lot of drifting during Saturday.
We should get some visibility tomorrow, so ski touring will be an option, be prepared for rock hopping here and there. To be honest, walking is going to be hard work although there are aspects and many features clear of snow.
I suspect the pistes will be very busy and rightly so, it’s good skiing at the moment.
Deep snow and small cornices showing lots of instabilities.

Visibility was poor again today, hopefully better on Saturday.


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