Overnight snow

18th February 2023

Rookie error today – walked uphill in beautiful inversion conditions and took no photographs – Then the cloud crept in on me when my back was turned! Oh well – I enjoyed wearing my sunnies for a change (while it lasted)

There were a few ski mountaineers out today but this new snow fell on mostly bare ground and the rocks were just beneath the surface  – Hopefully they were out on their very oldest skis!

Winds are due to increase tonight, so this light dry snow is going to start moving around and will be in very different locations by tomorrow. Then the freezing level is due to rise up and over the summits – so things could be ‘interesting’ for a while… Eventually though stability will improve as consolidation takes place. Just don’t get caught out in the wrong location as things transition….

Great to see some fresh snow – occasionally knee deep but mostly just a cosmetic covering.

Mostly unfrozen ground beneath the new snow – It won’t last for long.

New snow has mostly fallen on bare ground and the rocks are only just beneath the surface

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