Winter yesterday….

17th March 2024

Winter yesterday …. felt like Spring today!

Plus 4.5 degrees Centigrade at 930 metres at midday and it felt pretty warm slogging into The Stuic this morning. Very wet underfoot and the snow surface is soft and wet throughout. Still firmer underneath though – but that may change in the next 24 hour period as things will mostly continue to thaw.

We noted 5 small sets of debris in the small section of corrie that we could see – It was very cloudy in there. All had come down from the rim of the corrie overnight. There are still some cornices hanging around on pure Northerly aspects and there remains a threat of collapse as the mild conditions continue. There were rocks on the snow surface in the gully we climbed that had tumbled off the buttress to the side. So falling rocks and ice will continue to be a hazard.

Thawing again tomorrow but not as mild as today – then it looks like it will turn a little cooler on Tuesday.

Due to the poor visibility today some of the photos have had their contrast tweaked to show some definition…

Mild conditions today with a lot of snow loss at lower elevations

Multiple small debris sets noted in the corrie from overnight activity

Soft wet surface snow but firmer conditions underneath

Fairly large cornice hanging on in there on a Northerly aspect

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