British summer time.

3rd April 2019

It was back to full Winter mode today. The main road was closed with snowfall and drifting in the strong winds but conditions are starting to ease at the time of writing this blog. The freezing levels have lifted, currently around 0℃ at 850 metres with rain at lower levels. More snow tomorrow but not as heavy as today. The winds will be strong throughout the day.

On the hills as you’d expect there are deep drifts from most access points. Careful route choice and paying attention to navigation was important as it was very easy to transition between shallow stable snow to deeper windslab in the poor visibility today.

It looks like the main Cairngorms received more snow than the Southern side, a reminder it will be worth also reading N. Cairngorms Reports/blogs if you intend to access the hills from Braemar side.


The road has been closed today. At the time of writing it is raining at lower levels but currently still snowing higher up the hill.


The snow cover is very variable in depth. Very easy to walk from shallow snow to unstable windslab in todays poor visibility.


Little visibility above 900 metres.


New accumulations have often formed over previously bare ground. Deeper deposits have weaknesses within them.

Comments on this post

  • Natalie
    4th April 2019 12:07 pm

    Is this the Glenshee ski area?

    • scairngormsadmin
      4th April 2019 4:58 pm

      Hi Natalie, yes, although couldn’t see a lot! Got a bit higher up the hill on Thursday.

  • Natalie
    4th April 2019 8:15 pm

    Ah… planning to walk in that area on Saturday. Looks unpredictable!

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