The winter that keeps giving….

15th April 2016

Well it was goggles on and hood up this morning at altitude with fairly constant moderate snowfall for most of the morning, finally easing to showers and clearing to partially blue skies this afternoon. This winter doesn’t want to give up with drifting creating new windslab that’s sitting uneasily on the firm old snow. Seems to be a North-South divide at present with more snow falling in the Northern part of the forecast area than the South…

New snow cracking and failing underfoot

New snow cracking and failing underfoot

35cm of newly drifted in snow...

35cm of newly drifted in snow…

Falls of Garbh Allt

Falls of Garbh Allt

He's not so bothered that it's still a bit chilly….

Not so bothered that it’s still a bit chilly….


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