Blue sky day.

26th January 2009

It was a fantastic day today, blue skies little wind.  Great to see around a bit, noticed a few bits of debris, mostly NW/N aspects. Most aspects have snow, there are pockets of deep snow pretty much in every sheltered location. 
Went on my ski’s over to Carn nan Sac and over towards Carn a Gheoidh. Great  skiing, to be fussy cover on exposed areas is a bit thin but there was plenty of deeper stuff that was easier to ski on.

Pic: Looking back to The Cairnwell.

Pic: a frozen Loch Vrotachan, Beinn Luthern Mhor  and Glas Tulaichean on the left.

Pic: Raised footprints. Evidence of winds stripping exposed areas and redistributing the snow.

Pic: Sheltered areas had extensive areas of surface hoar. Tomorrow is due to be a bit warmer, most of this will go, we’ll see what happens.

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