A misty Lochnagar

29th January 2009

I hoped the cloud would break up for some pic’s today. Not a chance!! Sorry, no interesting pic’s today.

It was still freezing in the Corrie but it felt damp. There was a melt freeze layer on the approach to the crag, cut this and the layer underneath failed easily. Not a problem today, it could be a potential problem if enough snow falls on it, needs watching.  There were a couple of climbers on the crag, somewhere! Poss CB or Shadow A.
Depending on snow amounts with temps due to drop next week there may be some great climbing. Tomorrow will not be the best of days if the weather is correct. Moderate snow, 50 mph winds possibly FL lifting above the summits later. 
Pic: Cloud stayed at this level all day.

Pic: The ‘uplift’ – 1,15 to the corrie today, not bad in the snow. With them parked I had a wander round the corrie. If they are there there when you are, go and say hello, saves me feeding them later.

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