Lochnagar & Last Post

15th April 2023

A cracking day to finish the season on… A selection of photos below showing conditions on Lochnagar.

Currently hitting snow and staying on snow at 850 metres…

Milder conditions forecast for the next few days so the snowpack will continue to thaw and slowly diminish.

This is the last post for the 2022-2023 season. We will return full-time in December with a stand-by service available if required.

We would like to thank our local supporters: Police Scotland and Braemar Mountain Rescue Team for the generous use of their facilities. Balmoral Estate, NTS Mar Lodge Estate, Invercauld Estate and Glenshee Ski Centre for help with accessing the mountains. Braemar Mountain Sports for always being there when we need them. And a massive shout out to our equipment sponsors  – Mountain Equipment, Mountain Sports and Garmin – Our job would be impossible without the right equipment and these companies keep us operating out there!

Finally we need to say a special ‘Thank You’ to Andy at The Highland Bakehouse in Crathie for the fantastic coffee and butteries !!!!!

See you all in December – Have a cracking summer  – Team Southern Cairngorms

The main cliffs

Looking at West Buttress and into Black Spout

Some cornices remain…

Southern sector


Comments on this post

  • John Addy
    15th April 2023 8:08 pm

    Thank-you for all your reports over the season, some wintry & challenging conditions at times. Particular thanks to Rogue, who has starred in many pictures this season – look forward to December for more dog tales!

  • roger
    15th April 2023 9:09 pm

    As always, many thanks for all the info and at times for being out there when the easy and cosy option would be to stay home. Cheers guys

  • Jim Savege
    19th April 2023 10:11 am

    Brilliant work – forecasts, observations & blog – many thanks for getting out there day in & day out to keep us all informed on conditions ⛷

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