
8th January 2023

Windier than expected in exposed locations today. Persistent drifting of deposits into wind sheltered locations. Surface layers are starting to firm up but breakable crust was wide spread. It looks set to remain unsettled with some more melt/freeze cycles forecast.

Not a great day for photography – camera shake due to getting bashed by the winds and lots of spindrift getting on the lens.

Constant drifting at 900m – P.S. Dogs are wearing jackets and are dug in out of the wind 😉

Snow getting blown right to left in photo. West aspect of Glas Maol getting stripped with deposits accumulating in the North facing corrie

Whiteness in the middle of the shot is air born snow getting ripped off the hillside

Comments on this post

  • Alan Crichton
    9th January 2023 6:22 pm

    Hi Paul,
    Great to catch up with you on Glas Maol today. Another worthwhile excursion. Took a few photos today which you might want to see. If you can email me, I’ll forward.
    Thanks as always to you and all at SAIS for the hard work and looking after our interests.
    All the best meantime and hopefully catch you again soon.
    Alan Crichton

    • scairngormsadmin
      10th January 2023 5:14 pm

      Yep, good to catch up!

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