Staying cold & snowy…

23rd February 2020

Despite the significant wind chill factor today produced by the cold air temperature and the strong winds, it was actually a decent day out on the hills with good visibility for a change. This gave me the opportunity to get a better idea of where the snow has been deposited. It quickly became apparent that the storm force winds have stripped all but the most sheltered locations: Westerly aspects in particular are looking bare. It’s a different story on East facing slopes where cornices have been building: Two sets of cornice debris were spotted today. On the tops the old snow is firm and very icy with crampons used even on easier angled slopes.

We have some more snow forecast tomorrow on strong winds so it is unlikely to be a pleasant day on the tops. The winds however are coming in from the opposite direction so this will help to improve the cover on the bare West facing slopes. It will create a slightly more complicated stability situation but exposed locations will help provide stable terrain.

To brighten up the blog I have a couple of photos donated to me by Bill from Braemar MRT who were out training today: That rare occasion when reasonable weather conditions coincide with the training rota!

Cornices have formed on the East facing Coire Loch Kander.

Snow cover has improved on East facing slopes.

Braemar MRT team training – Giving the tracked vehicles a run out. Photo credit Bill BMRT.

Braemar MRT out training today: Using the runners on the stretcher to move it most efficiently while using a snow belay to control the rate of descent. Thanks to Bill for the photo.

Ice is starting to form in Coire Loch Kander

Ski tourers were out today, seeking out the best snow.

Deep accumulations and stripped bare areas in close proximity.

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