
20th March 2019

It was definitely thawing today with plus 4.4 degrees centigrade at 920 metres at midday. The surface layers of the snow are wet and any superficial cover is disappearing quickly. The burns were running and there was standing water at the bottom of the profile site. Definitely a wet boots day. There are deeper accumulations around with some large cornices on our higher mountains. However the freezing level is forecast to be well above the summits throughout the period with some light rain or drizzle forecast. We are expecting to lose quite a bit of snow at lower elevations and where the cover is thinnest. The major hazard tomorrow will come from the risk of cornice collapse, rock and ice fall as the air temperature at 933 metres is forecast to reach plus 6 degrees centigrade during the early afternoon.

Snowy conditions in East facing corries. Corrie rim at 850m here. Coire Direach, below Carn nan Sac (920m).

There is evidence of some cornice collapse in Coire Direach.

Loch Vrotachan (750m) still has ice on it.

An inch of water at the bottom of today’s pit site

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