Webcam Avalanche watching.
4th February 2018
One of our avalanche regulars this season has been a site on Carn Aosta at Glenshee Ski Centre. It was triggered today by two snowboarders. Fortunately it has a webcam that points onto the face and we can all watch again.. You can access the webcam here from either of these –
Then use the time-lapse button for 1 day, watch the sun rise on Carn Aosda, keep an eye on the slopes right of the t-bar, sometime mid afternoon you’ll see the avalanche appear.
Thanks to Kenny and Kate for the heads up.
Anyway in other news –
It was an awesome day, I didn’t expect it to be that nice, judging by how quiet the hills were, I wasn’t the only one! Probably the day of the season for ski tourers, a great covering of snow on most aspects at higher levels.

Fantastic ski touring to be had. Lower levels perhaps still a little scrappy but on the Plateau areas there is fantastic cover.

On descent through the woods, it felt like it was raining as the snow melted from the trees. You can see drips on the loch.
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