High pressure building

25th February 2016

It was another fine day, with the cloud breaking to give some good sunny intervals. It felt very cold first thing but the upside to the cold temperature is that there is some very cold, dry powder snow out there… (some pretty firm, icy stuff as well!)

The cold temperatures are definitely slowing the consolidation process: Around the rim of Coire Direach today as soon as I stepped off my skis, I sank into snow that was well above knee level and was able to trigger the wind lip above the main cornice with ease.

High pressure is building so the weather will remain cold and settled for the near future…

Snowy SE aspects

Snowy SE aspects

Wind scoured West and North-West aspects

Wind scoured West and North-West aspects

Looking South from Coire Direach

Looking South from Coire Direach

Deep snow & fragile cornices around corrie rims

Deep snow & fragile cornices around corrie rims

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