It’s all about the wind.

15th January 2016

Today was the first day for a while where we have seen significant amounts of snow being blown around the hill. Over the last week the winds had not been strong enough to redistribute lying snow.

Snow drifting underfoot.

Snow drifting underfoot.

The cold dry snow was becoming scoured and sculpted in exposed places.

Journeying around collecting information.

Journeying around the hill.

Undoubtably the best way to travel around at the moment is by ski. However the winds may help firm up areas for walking.



The wind is blowing across these gullies.The defined ridges becoming scoured while the gullies collect quantities of potentially unstable snow. The main crags of the area are doing this now.

Todays pit site was atmospheric.

Lot’s of snow blowing around at the main pit site.

The pit site is only part of our observations for the day – we also make observations from under our feet and visually from terrain features.

A quick look in the snow.

A quick look in the snow.

We also check different aspects when we’re out. Here, although the wind was blowing straight up this slope, it had not stripped it and there were still easy shears within the snow.


Snow drifing into a Corrie.

Snow drifing into a Corrie.

If you have time and a brew in your hand- have a read



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